Saturday, August 31, 2019

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is a platform that was established by the government as a set of laws and policies for preventing discrimination against individuals. It was for the purpose of offering equal opportunities for employment, education, and business. Several of our formal Presidents has signed executive orders that was meant for all hiring to be equal regardless of race, color, or national origin with all government contractors and the other specifically for associations which received federal contracts and subcontracts eliminating discrimination within the workforce towards individuals centered on their race, color, religion, and national origin. Later the affirmative action was modified to include no discriminating against one's sex. Affirmative action also established preferential handling for minorities and women in the hiring process and the chance to receive a higher education. Affirmative action holds private employers accountable as well.During the Civil Rights movement, affirmation action was a tool that proposed opportunities for women and minorities and to provide equality for them. There are noted changes in how colleges recruit and enroll students, housing and also how using public transportation where now blacks can sit anywhere since Rosa Parks. Since affirmative action was primarily intended on improving chances for African Americans in employment and education, but there is still a low percentage of improvement that is why an executive order was signed and it required all government and private industry jobs to increase the number of women, disable individuals and minorities to either receive employment or to have the ability to gain an education or have additional training for work enhancement. There are numerous organization that uses affirmative action and equal employment opportunity policies within their business structure there is still a controversy today surrounding these issues. Are the equal employment opportunity and affirmative action policies have the same meaning? Let's talk about equal employment opportunity first, the definition is that it bans all types of discrimination. This means that no matter the race, or gender everyone has the same chance of obtaining and getting promotions as well as training within the workforce. Whereas, affirmative action focus on past discrimination acts which were meant to give women, disabled individuals, and the minorities an equal footing in gaining employment and a higher education.It was to create equality between the workers and employers however it has caused extra adversity in the workforce. Because many believed that jobs held by whites were being jeopardized. Has affirmative action been consistently and effectively used to create a more robust and productive workforce? I would say yes; affirmative action has made it possible for many to see and earn their desired goals such as their life dreams. I feel that there are still many obstacles but if one applies themselves there are no limitations. Barak Obama was our nation's first black President and there are many who hold prominent leadership roles that also includes women. Recently in the news, it was announced that the FBI, for the first time in history that there may be a woman heading this department.Though affirmative action has come along way there are those who still discriminate and don't offer equal chances for others to succeed. Affirmative action has allowed the workforce to become more diverse in races, genders, and cultures. We must remember that the affirmative action is not about letting minorities to get into college or to get a job, but it's about giving qualified individuals no matter their race a chance that they may not get otherwise.In conclusion has affirmative action been consistently and effectively used to create a more robust and productive workforce? I would say yes it has worked extremely well. I hope to see it continue because there are many more who could benefit from this program. Affirmative Action â€Å"An action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education† – affirmative action, also commonly referred to as the paradox positive discrimination. 1 Affirmative action was designed as a temporary measure to insure a â€Å"leveled playing field† for all Americans specifically minorities and women. The affirmative action measure was created to be a catalyst in ending racial and gender discrimination in the workplace and was to be retracted once the presumable â€Å"playing field† was leveled. However, through various flaws and shortcomings in the policy, it grew into a form of reverse discrimination where individuals that were well qualified for positions were turned down in lieu of minorities. When it was created, the affirmative action policy was a necessary step in insuring equality for all, but twenty-first century America has many restrictions and guidelines to prevent employers from discriminating against someone based on their race, gender, religion and national origin, proving affirmative action to be irrelevant. The essayist chose this topic because of her interest in the diversity of America’s current workforce. After various courses in economics as well as a course on public policy she became interested in programs designed to enhance social welfare in the United States of America. Also with growing concerns of immigration and the dwindling of whites as a majority in the United States, the topic of changes in the American workforce are sure to arise. The idea of affirmative action has drawn many supporting and opposing views since President John F. Kennedy first introduced it 1961 with the Executive Order number 10925. The order commanded all federal contractors (the public sector) to take â€Å"affirmative action to ensure that applicants are treated equally without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. 2 As years went on, the progressive Civil Rights’ movement evolved the idea of affirmative action and called for it to encompass all public and private sectors in the United States. Affirmative action had many supporters including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that was created to insure equal opportunity in the workplace for all Americans. The idea of positive discrimination was rejected in the 1978 landmark court case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, where the United States Supreme Court ruled that race could not be used as an admission standard to a university and â€Å"disadvantaged minority students† were not permitted to have admission spots reserved for them. Supporters of affirmative action believe that aiding those who have been historically disadvantage will insure the end of the cycle of poverty and call for a justified wealth distribution throughout the United States. It is statically proven that on average, minorities are less wealthy than whites. 4 Statistics also prove that individuals in low-income households are less likely to receive a college education therefore making them unqualified for most jobs in America’s current workforce. This cycle continues as these unqualified workers who were not able to get high paying jobs have children who are subsequently born into low-income households. In order for this cycle to discontinue, a policy should be put in place that will provide them an advantage over the wealthy white job seekers; the affirmative action policy provides this advantage. Sacrificing the well being of white males for a short period of time in order to catapult minorities and women into becoming qualified employees is a belief that many supporters of affirmative action hope for. Although the affirmative action policy was meant to be a temporary aid, a decade after it was created it morphed into a hypocritical attempt to fix a solution. College students from St. Norbert College, believe that â€Å"[it‘s] really justifying racism by it's own actions. Its policies totally judge people solely on skin color and gender. That is discrimination in itself. †6 Those in opposition of affirmative action believe that it is not fair to discriminate against someone that has worked hard to become qualified for a job position. They believe that other programs such as scholarships and extra tutoring programs for the underprivileged are better solutions to solving inequality in the workplace. Once minorities become equally educated and acquire skills for jobs in today’s workforce, they will inherently level the playing field on their own. The issue of affirmative action has acquired many praises and oppositions. From when it was enacted over fifty years ago, it has transformed into a controversial subject. Although this topic was more relevant during the period of the Civil Right’s Movement, it has recently gained momentum with the growing minority population. Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a practice that is intended to promote opportunities for the â€Å"protected class† which includes minorities, woman, and people with disabilities or any disadvantaged group for that matter. With affirmative action in place people of this protected class are given an even playing field in terms of hiring, promotion, as well as compensation. Historically, affirmative action is only known to have protected African Americans and woman; however that is not the case. Affirmative action protects a variety of people and without this statute many people included in this protected class would be unfairly discriminated against.There are many reasons why affirmative action should continue to be a part of workplace such as: †¢Fosters diversity. †¢Educates our workforce on diversity. †¢Equips employees to achieve their highest contribution to the mission. †¢Challenges employees to make their maximum contribution to the mission. †¢Encourages em ployees to offer differing views and suggestions toward achieving organizational goals. †¢Respects and appreciates individual differences. †¢Provides equitable treatment and opportunities. †¢Creates and maintains an inclusive approach to all systems, policies, and practices (i. . , promotions, performance ratings, awards, training, assignments, and access to services). †¢Facilitates culture change to support wider diversity. People who are opposed to affirmative action often argue that it gives an unfair advantage to any member of this protected class; however that is far from the case. Affirmative action programs do not give racial preferences nor create quotas. In fact affirmative action programs are flexible therefore creating a legitimate selection process in the hiring aspect of the workplace.Although not in the workplace, an example of a flexible affirmative action program was seen at Ohio State University where they adopted the 10 percent rule. This rule a dmits students who are in the top 10% of their high school graduating class. Doing so allows colleges to take minorities who excel in marginal urban schools. This is a very legal way in ensuring minorities an even playing field (Campus that Looks like America). Because of the effectiveness of affirmative action other statues have been put into place to ensure that other members of this protected class are not getting discriminated against such as the Rehabilitation Act.The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which makes it unlawful for certain employers to discriminate against a qualified individual exclusively by reason of her or his disability. The Rehabilitation Act does not specifically address medical inquiries, although it provides that the judicial standards used to determine whether an employer has unlawfully discriminated shall be the standards applied under the ADA. This is merely one of many statutes that were created as a part of affirmative action to promote equal employment.Cl early, with all of the mandates that were branched off of affirmative action the need for this program in the workplace is vital. Affirmative action promotes diversity which is known to be a vital part of any company’s success. Many companies even the U. S Government pride their selves on diversity and use various affirmative action programs to achieve such a company culture. For example the U. S. Census Bureau recently conducted a case study regarding the issue of diversity. The Census Bureau defines adversity as the all of the ways in which we differ.Among these dimensions are race, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and child/elder care responsibilities. The United States Government in acted a program within the Census Bureau in 1994 under the leadership of President Clinton, in hopes that he could build â€Å"a government that looks like America. † Further, he stated that: â€Å"Diversity transcends race and gender, affirmative action and Equal Employment Opportunity. It must encompass a fundamental appreciation of one another and a respect for both our similarities and our differences.It must include a heartfelt respect in attitude and in behavior towards those of different race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity and those with disabilities — all the facets that make each individual the unique and precious resource that each of us is. † In conclusion affirmative action is a vital part of society because it gives everyone a fair opportunity succeed regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or background. It also provides diversity in the workplace which will accurately reflects the community. . â€Å" Works Cited Merritt, J. (2002, March 10). Wanted: A Campus That Looks Like America – Businessweek.Businessweek – Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. Retrieved September 4, 2012, from http://www. businessweek. com/stories/2002-03-10/wanted-a-campus-that-looks-like-america Jacobs, Ro ger. â€Å"Disability Discrimination, Reasonable Accommodation, and the Modified Commute. † 36. 4 (2011): 59-68. Print. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Policy Statements. (n. d. ). Census Bureau Homepage. Retrieved September 10, 2012, from http://www. census. gov/eeo/policy_statements/ Why Affirmative Action is Necessary in the Workplace Lawrence Smith James Lee Andrea Willis Affirmative Action â€Å"An action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education† – affirmative action, also commonly referred to as the paradox positive discrimination. 1 Affirmative action was designed as a temporary measure to insure a â€Å"leveled playing field† for all Americans specifically minorities and women. The affirmative action measure was created to be a catalyst in ending racial and gender discrimination in the workplace and was to be retracted once the presumable â€Å"playing field† was leveled. However, through various flaws and shortcomings in the policy, it grew into a form of reverse discrimination where individuals that were well qualified for positions were turned down in lieu of minorities. When it was created, the affirmative action policy was a necessary step in insuring equality for all, but twenty-first century America has many restrictions and guidelines to prevent employers from discriminating against someone based on their race, gender, religion and national origin, proving affirmative action to be irrelevant. The essayist chose this topic because of her interest in the diversity of America’s current workforce. After various courses in economics as well as a course on public policy she became interested in programs designed to enhance social welfare in the United States of America. Also with growing concerns of immigration and the dwindling of whites as a majority in the United States, the topic of changes in the American workforce are sure to arise. The idea of affirmative action has drawn many supporting and opposing views since President John F. Kennedy first introduced it 1961 with the Executive Order number 10925. The order commanded all federal contractors (the public sector) to take â€Å"affirmative action to ensure that applicants are treated equally without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. 2 As years went on, the progressive Civil Rights’ movement evolved the idea of affirmative action and called for it to encompass all public and private sectors in the United States. Affirmative action had many supporters including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that was created to insure equal opportunity in the workplace for all Americans. The idea of positive discrimination was rejected in the 1978 landmark court case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, where the United States Supreme Court ruled that race could not be used as an admission standard to a university and â€Å"disadvantaged minority students† were not permitted to have admission spots reserved for them. Supporters of affirmative action believe that aiding those who have been historically disadvantage will insure the end of the cycle of poverty and call for a justified wealth distribution throughout the United States. It is statically proven that on average, minorities are less wealthy than whites. 4 Statistics also prove that individuals in low-income households are less likely to receive a college education therefore making them unqualified for most jobs in America’s current workforce. This cycle continues as these unqualified workers who were not able to get high paying jobs have children who are subsequently born into low-income households. In order for this cycle to discontinue, a policy should be put in place that will provide them an advantage over the wealthy white job seekers; the affirmative action policy provides this advantage. Sacrificing the well being of white males for a short period of time in order to catapult minorities and women into becoming qualified employees is a belief that many supporters of affirmative action hope for. Although the affirmative action policy was meant to be a temporary aid, a decade after it was created it morphed into a hypocritical attempt to fix a solution. College students from St. Norbert College, believe that â€Å"[it‘s] really justifying racism by it's own actions. Its policies totally judge people solely on skin color and gender. That is discrimination in itself. †6 Those in opposition of affirmative action believe that it is not fair to discriminate against someone that has worked hard to become qualified for a job position. They believe that other programs such as scholarships and extra tutoring programs for the underprivileged are better solutions to solving inequality in the workplace. Once minorities become equally educated and acquire skills for jobs in today’s workforce, they will inherently level the playing field on their own. The issue of affirmative action has acquired many praises and oppositions. From when it was enacted over fifty years ago, it has transformed into a controversial subject. Although this topic was more relevant during the period of the Civil Right’s Movement, it has recently gained momentum with the growing minority population. Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a practice that is intended to promote opportunities for the â€Å"protected class† which includes minorities, woman, and people with disabilities or any disadvantaged group for that matter. With affirmative action in place people of this protected class are given an even playing field in terms of hiring, promotion, as well as compensation. Historically, affirmative action is only known to have protected African Americans and woman; however that is not the case. Affirmative action protects a variety of people and without this statute many people included in this protected class would be unfairly discriminated against.There are many reasons why affirmative action should continue to be a part of workplace such as: †¢Fosters diversity. †¢Educates our workforce on diversity. †¢Equips employees to achieve their highest contribution to the mission. †¢Challenges employees to make their maximum contribution to the mission. †¢Encourages em ployees to offer differing views and suggestions toward achieving organizational goals. †¢Respects and appreciates individual differences. †¢Provides equitable treatment and opportunities. †¢Creates and maintains an inclusive approach to all systems, policies, and practices (i. . , promotions, performance ratings, awards, training, assignments, and access to services). †¢Facilitates culture change to support wider diversity. People who are opposed to affirmative action often argue that it gives an unfair advantage to any member of this protected class; however that is far from the case. Affirmative action programs do not give racial preferences nor create quotas. In fact affirmative action programs are flexible therefore creating a legitimate selection process in the hiring aspect of the workplace.Although not in the workplace, an example of a flexible affirmative action program was seen at Ohio State University where they adopted the 10 percent rule. This rule a dmits students who are in the top 10% of their high school graduating class. Doing so allows colleges to take minorities who excel in marginal urban schools. This is a very legal way in ensuring minorities an even playing field (Campus that Looks like America). Because of the effectiveness of affirmative action other statues have been put into place to ensure that other members of this protected class are not getting discriminated against such as the Rehabilitation Act.The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which makes it unlawful for certain employers to discriminate against a qualified individual exclusively by reason of her or his disability. The Rehabilitation Act does not specifically address medical inquiries, although it provides that the judicial standards used to determine whether an employer has unlawfully discriminated shall be the standards applied under the ADA. This is merely one of many statutes that were created as a part of affirmative action to promote equal employment.Cl early, with all of the mandates that were branched off of affirmative action the need for this program in the workplace is vital. Affirmative action promotes diversity which is known to be a vital part of any company’s success. Many companies even the U. S Government pride their selves on diversity and use various affirmative action programs to achieve such a company culture. For example the U. S. Census Bureau recently conducted a case study regarding the issue of diversity. The Census Bureau defines adversity as the all of the ways in which we differ.Among these dimensions are race, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and child/elder care responsibilities. The United States Government in acted a program within the Census Bureau in 1994 under the leadership of President Clinton, in hopes that he could build â€Å"a government that looks like America. † Further, he stated that: â€Å"Diversity transcends race and gender, affirmative action and Equal Employment Opportunity. It must encompass a fundamental appreciation of one another and a respect for both our similarities and our differences.It must include a heartfelt respect in attitude and in behavior towards those of different race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity and those with disabilities — all the facets that make each individual the unique and precious resource that each of us is. † In conclusion affirmative action is a vital part of society because it gives everyone a fair opportunity succeed regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or background. It also provides diversity in the workplace which will accurately reflects the community. . â€Å" Works Cited Merritt, J. (2002, March 10). Wanted: A Campus That Looks Like America – Businessweek.Businessweek – Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. Retrieved September 4, 2012, from http://www. businessweek. com/stories/2002-03-10/wanted-a-campus-that-looks-like-america Jacobs, Ro ger. â€Å"Disability Discrimination, Reasonable Accommodation, and the Modified Commute. † 36. 4 (2011): 59-68. Print. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Policy Statements. (n. d. ). Census Bureau Homepage. Retrieved September 10, 2012, from http://www. census. gov/eeo/policy_statements/ Why Affirmative Action is Necessary in the Workplace Lawrence Smith James Lee Andrea Willis

Simon Remarriage

The words ‘damaged/fractured/punctured/ broken' create images describing the ex-soldier physically but also referring to how these words could be used to describe the broken love. Therefore, it has been made clear that the love has become painful and traumatic as a consequence of war. Also, the metaphorical use Of ‘frozen river' and ‘blown hinge' reflects a war zone. The word ‘frozen' could reflect how the relationship has become still and lifeless. The narrator states that his jaw is a ‘blown hinge', suggesting that he is no longer open to her and unable to talk f his traumatic experiences.The image of violence is also incorporated within ‘Quadric' through a western theme showing the intensity of the relationship. ‘High noon' and ‘calamity' implant the image of a standoff in the wild west. This image of the standoff is inferred to be comparable to the relationship through the painful arguing that the once desire has turned into. Duffy references ‘hard liquor' to suggest that the relationship is reckless and has turned into something that is unhealthy also that if love goes wrong it can bring difficulties along with it. Manhunt' is made up of a series of couplets.The form of the poem creates a sense of fragmentation and the stages of process and search that the narrator has been through in order to find and heal their love. The series of couplets can be seen as a ladder that she is trying to climb to retrieve love once more, like the image of the ‘broken ribs'. Also, the rhyme scheme is irregular suggesting how the strength of the relationship is constantly changing. There is a personal tone to this poem as much of the topics are personal and it is quite conversational, inferring the woman is liking to her husband but cannot get through due to his physical and mental damage.Similarly, ‘Quadric' is structured to reflect the love in the relationship. This poem forms a broken sonnet, showing the eff ects of the broken love. Duffy may have used enjambment between stanzas to capture the idea of relentless pain and that she does not want to finish the sentence and the relationship. The technique of enjambment has been used to separate ‘I'm all' from ‘alone' reflecting the isolation the women feels. Simon Remarriage incorporates many delicacy and care adjectives: ‘mind/hold/attend'.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Bad Effects to Health of Excessive Computer Use

THE BAD EFFECTS TO HEALTH OF EXCESSIVE COMPUTER USE A Research Paper Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement In English 102A – Writing in Discipline By: Go, Alyssa Y. Vergara, Bellie Anne S. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE OCTOBER 8, 2010 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Today, computers play a very large part in our daily lives. We use computer for a lot of things like business, education, communication and entertainment. We can find computers almost everywhere nowadays, at offices, at school and even at almost every home. Because of the computer’s speed and efficiency, we always turn to it to get our work done. As a result, many people tend to spend long hours using it. And using the computer for an extended period of time results to several health problems. As computer science students, this means that when we graduate, we will eventually get a job that will require us to use computer for long periods of time. It is important that we should know the risk of our profession such as the health problems that we would most likely have to face. This research could also aid the general public who uses computers in their daily lives. It could help us to know the health problems caused by the extensive use of computers and the possible solutions to prevent or overcome it. Stamatellos(2007) stated in his work that the extensive use of computers can result two possible health problems: the â€Å"Computer Vision Syndrome† (CVS) and the â€Å"Repetitive Strain Injury† (RSI). CVS is a series of eye problems due to staring at the monitor of a computer for a long period of time. RSI is an intense pain felt on a particular muscle, joint or ligament that is used to repeat the exact same movements. If these problems are not treated it could lead to permanent damage to your health and consequently to your life. The health of users are key component in information system. However, people don’t bother to take care of themselves, and when the time comes they discover they have so many illnesses. The widespread use of computers is now casing health concerns. This research discusses the preventions and cures the user can do to keep them healthy at office and at home. There are some ergonomic concepts that we can follow to take precautions to prevent this injuries. Take a break after using computer, do some simple exercise during that time. Stretching and doing some simple wrist in your hands and arms. To prevent injury to typing, place a wrist rest between the key board and at the edge of your desk. To prevent injury using a mouse, place the mouse at least six inches from the edge of the desk. The eye strain is not a serious or long term illnesses. You should get regular eye examination, through this you can take care of yourself. Another one is the back pain, muscle fatigue, it caused by poor posture; get an ergonomic chair it allows you to sit and to use arms and hands in healthier way. Sit properly in the chair, your feet should be flat on the floor. You can just go and take a break and be sure that your workplace is well more designed. Statement of the problem This research focuses on defining the bad effects to health of using the computer for an extended period of time. This research will answer the following questions: * What are the specific health problems we may acquire by using the computer excessively? * What are the causes of the said health problems? * What are the possible solutions we can do to cure or prevent these problems? * What is an ergonomic workplace? * How can we make our workstations ergonomic? Significance of the study This research gives information regarding health problems due to the extensive use of computer among users, computer professionals and its association with working environment conditions. A significant portion of computer users were found to be having health problems and this denotes that the occupational health of the people working in the computer field needs to indicate occupational health problems such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This research further explains that long periods of working at a computer can cause eyestrain and overuse injuries of the hands and wrists. Using this research, employers and managers can help transform working stations to be more ergonomic. The working place will be more suitable and comfortable for the workers. Furthermore, it will lessen the chances of the workers getting computer health related problems. Scope and delimitation This study limits its coverage on the people who are working in the computers for long period of time, particularly company employers identify the health problems that they encounter and to propose possible solution regarding this problem. This study considers every aspect of the employee’s health information that has an impact on their performance such as their condition regarding office work. The wide of using computers has led some important health concerns, which is associated with occupational safety and health concerns. Many people use computers as part of their job. If you use one and suffer illnesses it may be because of the way you are using the computer. Problems such as suffering from strain in the back of the hand due to excessive ‘mouse' clicking, eye strain, shoulder and back pains or stress or neck ache if you use a computer without a break for a long time. The employees suffered this condition because of their heavy work loads and regular night work. Furthermore they face number of health issues particularly (RSI) Repetitive Strain Injuries and (CVS) Computer Vision Syndrome. Methodology The goal of this research is to ascertain the different bad effects of using the computer for an extended period of time. To reach this goal, we conduct surveys and interview of individuals who are working with computers long periods of time. Surveys are done for all the employees of a particular computer company to determine whether there really is an overall increase chance for people who are working with computers to get computer related health problems and to ascertain which health related problems they’ve got. The data collected from this test are recorded and later tested for relevance. Interviews are done with employees who already have computer related health problem. This is to determine which health problems are more prevalent and which health problems are rare. Using these interviews, we get the possible causes of the said health problems. An inspection of the workplace conducted. This is to test if the working environment is indeed another factor affecting or causing health problems. All of the data collected from the said methods and complied, tested and further analyzed to reach concrete results. GANTT CHART Day| Activity| Day 1August 17, 2010| Brainstorming| Day 2August 20, 2010| Arguing for the research topic| Day 3August 24, 2010| Getting resources| Day 4August 25, 2010| Making the final research title and thesis statement| Day 5August 27, 2010| The submission of the research title and thesis statement| Day 6August 31, 2010| Introduction of the research| Day 7September 3, 2010| Submission of the Introduction| Day 8September 7, 2010| Submission of the Statement of the problem| Day 9September 14, 2010| Submission of the Significance of the study| Day 10September 17, 2010| Submission of the Scope and Delimitation| Day 11September 21, 2010| Submission of the research Methodology| Day 12September 24, 2010| Submission of the Definition of Terms| Day 13September 28, 2010| Submission of Bibliography| Definition of terms End-user as used in this research refers to a person who is operating computer. Bad Effects as used in this research refers to the physical disorder that affects person. Ergonomic as used in this research refers to the strategic ordering of the lay-out of the workplace such that it will be more suitable and comfortable for the user. Information system as used in this research refers to the specific use of the computer to support user actions such as operations, management and decision making. Health as used this research refers to the physical well being of a person. Computer Science as used in this research refers to the study of the theoretical and practical use of the computer system. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) as used in this research refers to eye strain problem due to staring at the monitor of a computer for long period of time. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) as used in this research refers to the painful injury in the hands or wrist caused by the repeated usage of the keyboard and the mouse. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) as used in this research refers to the disease of the hand characterized by the numbness, tingling, pain and weakness. Bibliography Books Bentham, P. (1996). VDU terminal sickness: Computer Health risk and how to protect yourself. London: Jon Carpenter, Publishing. Morley, D. & Parker, S. (2008). Understanding computers: Today and tomorrow (11th ed. ). USA: Thomson Course Technology. Shelly, G. , Cashman, T. & Vermaat, M. (2008). Discovering computers: Fundamentals (4th ed. ). USA: Thomson Course Technology. Stametellos, G. (2007). Computer ethics: A global perspective. U. S. A : Jones and Ballet publishers, Inc. Williams, B. , & Sawyer, S. (2007). Using Information Technology: A practical introduction to computers and communications (7th ed. ). New York: Mc Graw-Hill companies Inc. Internet source Hege Crowton. (2010). Health Risk Due to long hours at your computer. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http://www. ariticlecity. com/articles/health/article_2730. shtml The American Optometric Association’s article on CVS. (2010). Computer Vision Syndrome. Retrieved September 15, 2010, from http://www. aoa. org/x5374. xml Top 4 Health Problems Caused By Computer Use. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http://heheli. com /business/top-4-health-problems-caused-by-computer-use/ Long hours at Computer: Health Risks & Prevention. Retrieved from September 28, 2010, from http://www. lifemojo. com/lifestyle/long-hours-at-computer-health-risk-prevention-26899842

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How Typical Students Are Prepared For The real World Essay

How Typical Students Are Prepared For The real World - Essay Example A typical Cal Poly student prepares for the real world by acquiring planning and prioritization skills. Planning is a crucial component of human establishment that assists people to manage their time effectively and to lay the foundation for carrying out certain activities. Planning empowers a student by ensuring that they set goals and objectives crucial to their well-being. Through planning, a Cal Poly student can plan for meetings, events, start a business as well as drawing out budgets for certain activities. Prioritization is a skill that helps the students focus and chose life ventures wisely. For example, a student can use prioritization skills to choose whether to further their education or venture into a career path. Planning and prioritization are vital components in my life. I have a cardinal rule in my life that states that 'planning brings success.' I have achieved several things due to proper planning setting my priorities appropriately. My parents have always approache d me to plan for family events. A typical Cal Poly student prepares for the outside world by dealing with the inherent limitations that can hinder their progress in the outside world. For example, there are students who cannot do simple mathematical calculations or engage technological equipment. If a student wishes to succeed in the outside world, there should be a special focus on the fields where knowledge is limited. Average students should seek help and put more effort in changing their inherent circumstances.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cancer Biology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cancer Biology - Research Paper Example What makes it unique for biologists is the entire process that causes cancer. Researchers spent years finding out the roots of this disease and to discover the best possible remedies for curing this fatal pathology. Cancer is a challenge for even the first world countries. It is an unavoidable war opponent which seems to be standing in the way of the scientists and the afflicted people. Even President Nixon attempted a war on cancer and spent more than $ 5 billion to America’s National Cancer Institue (NCI), annually to counter this life taking disease. This is owing to the fact that the disease is life hampering and affects the quality of life of the patients affected. Professionals are now considering involving physicists in the field of exploration because they seem to have given up on the possibility of finding the exact cause of cancer. This finding of the most appropriate cause for cancer will assist in reaching to the best conclusion for the treatment modalities of canc er and it will serve to be a breakthrough in the field of medicine (Davies 2012). The mechanism of cancerous disease is very complicated since alterations of metabolism are a very common manifestation of these oncological changes in the cells. These manifestations are still not obvious and significant for benign tumors and for tumors that are not of very high grade. Cancer cells heavily rely on high glucose dosage owing to their increased energy needs and this increased energy demand aids in the detection of these cancerous cells. Based on research, tumor is detected according to its phenotype. The metabolic phenotype of this cell is monitored by the changes in the genetic structure of the cells as well as the changes that are taking place outside the cancerous cells in the normal tissues. It was deduced that the changes in the metabolism are a very significant feature of the cancer cells and they form the basis for the rapid multiplication of these cells. Cancerous signals are tran smitted to these cells which result in the cascade of duplication. The target of these biologists and researches is to find a way to slow down the metabolism of the tumor â€Å"progression† so as to enhance the treatment of cancer and produce excellent results (Cairns et al. 2011). In order to understand the complex biology of cancer, it is highly essential to recognize the â€Å"hallmarks of cancers† that help identify the traits that initiate and speed up the cancer cells to survive. These hallmarks include cellular energy metabolism through a process which results in the growth of cells, eventually taking over the normal processes that occur in the human body leading to increased operations in other adjacent cells as well and resulting in a cancerous growth. On the other hand, another hallmark that enables the cancer cells to replicate is the suppression of the immune system caused by these cells. Both these capabilities of the cancer cells speed up the cancerous gr owth in the body. Recent studies have also shown that a tumor cell is more complex than a normal healthy tissue (Hanahan & Weinberg 2011). Cancer is a growing concern for public as well. People have become superstitious about its whereabouts. But Davies and his fellow researchers have come to believe and promote that cancer is like an aging agent to which everyone conforms to at one

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

RectorSeal Corporation in Japan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

RectorSeal Corporation in Japan - Research Paper Example Feasibility study can be defined as a process which enables the company to assess that the project which they are planning to undertake is feasible or not. It includes identifying the problems, opportunities and situations and assesses the benefits as well as the cost involved in the projects. Feasibility study also recommends on the various areas which should be taken care before taking any decision. In this project a feasibility study has been done on the various aspects of the probable expansion of the company in Japan. To analyze whether the company should expand in Japan various parameters have been analyzed. Firstly the history of the probable host company that is Japan’s history in industrial sector have been analyzes. Secondly the political policies regarding the industry have also been analyzed. The industrial sector is influenced by the political changes therefore a study has been made on the political scenario. Along with the political system, the legal, economic an d social system of Japan has also been analyzed. The financial dimension that is the banking, currency, accounting policies and foreign trade policies which can influence the company operating in Japan has also been analyzed. ... The financial dimension that is the banking, currency, accounting policies and foreign trade policies which can influence the company operating in Japan has also been analyzed. Next the cultural aspect of Japan has been analyzed using Hofstede’s model. To suggest on the marketing strategies to be practiced there a thorough study has been made on the present marketing strategies followed in Japan. The human resource dimension including the hiring, training, advancement, compensation and retention practices which are followed in Japan have been made. Apart from the marketing, human resource, financial dimensions environmental scanning a study has been made on the organizational structure of the multinational companies in Japan. After analyzing all the aspects recommendations have been made on the strategies which should be adopted by the RectorSeal Corporation to expand in Japan. 2. Brief overview of the company In this paper, the primary aim is to develop a sustainable internat ional expansion strategy for RectorSeal Corporation. The company aims to enter into the Japanese market by analyzing the viability of the host country. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the international factors of the company to identify its strength for market expansion. RectorSeal Corporation is U.S,-based company privately owned company engaged in the manufacturing multiple chemical used for industrial production. It has been operating in U.S. chemical market since more than 74 years. It was founded in 1937 and has gained a rapid growth acquiring a leading position in the market. In is domestic based company and having its portioning within the national boundaries. The headquarters is situated in the city of Houston, Texas (RectorSeal, 2008). The

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organization theory and structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organization theory and structure - Essay Example Some factors that influence organizational structure are size, the products, skills and talents found in the organization and most structures will mainly be based on these factors. Different theories have been placed forth about why different organizations have the structures they do. According to Abraham Maslow, organizational structures mainly depend on their needs. In his works he clearly places these needs in a hierarchy system where the satisfaction of one level of needs leads to the organization striving to fulfill the other levels of needs of the organization. These needs, in order of priority are; physiological needs such as food and shelter, safety needs such as safety in the environment, social needs like love and friendship, esteem needs like self respect and status and at the top of the hierarchy is self actualization which is actually reaching one's full potential. A good organizational structure should be one that aids in fulfilling these needs among employees in the organization in order to maximize output. Herzberg insists that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction while extrinsic factors lead to job dissatisfaction. The structure a nd job environment that is positive creates interactions leading to self-esteem that improves quality of work. He insists that factors such as recognition, responsibility, the work itself makes up for some of the motivators creating job satisfaction. The factors that lead to dissatisfaction are supervision, company policy, salary, relationship with peers and subordinates. It is therefore paramount that the organizational structure supports job satisfaction and reduces incidences of job dissatisfaction. An organization should set up a structure that makes employees feel satisfied with their jobs, so that a job is not a task. Frederick Winslow insists on scientific management. His theory puts forth the idea that management of an organization, which largely depends on the structure, can be scientific. This insinuates that it can be put down to an exact science, where the tried and tested ways after years of observation are sure and true to succeed. The four step process is-develop a sc ience for each element of the individuals work, heartily cooperate with workers so as to ensure all work is done and done properly with no grudges or ill feelings, divide work equally between management and workers instead of the old methods where workers would labor while the management did much lesser work and that management should take the work that it's better suited than the workers in order to have a balanced work environment. A good structure should incorporate some if not all of these in order to reach goals, make workers happy and the management satisfied with the output. All these management theories lead to different organizational structures depending on what works best for the organization. Though some theories put forward have been disputed or declared obsolete, this has not meant that some proposed points are not accommodated and incorporated in the making of organizational structures in today's business world. Some of these include matrix method, flat, centralized o r decentralized structure, tall [traditional] structure] and many more (Learning 2008). Small to medium sized organizations mostly have the functional and tall structure. This is where there is a clear

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How does low income level relates to child abuse Term Paper

How does low income level relates to child abuse - Term Paper Example The main concern of a poor class is to survive and combat with poverty. The poverty problem is a dilemma which gives rise to child sexual abuse since the families are not concerned about child protection. The way children are maltreated, misuse, and neglect have many times escorted them to the vulnerability of child abuse. However in the United States, child abuse is not a new issue, since children have been the subject of various types of abuse for decades, therefore concern for abused children now demands action from private citizens as well as the government. Despite the existence and active participation of child welfare programs, child abuse is a common problem confronted by the United States. One reason for the widespread of this quandary is the fact that economic resources and political structure varies according to the social determinants for people who live in urban and rural regions (Kenney et al, 2001, p. xv). Child abuse some decades ago was seen as a problem of physical battering and the deliberate intention to harm the child, mainly by parents. It was in the 1970s that the meaning of the term child abuse expanded to include not only physical harm of the child, but also sexual or emotional maltreatment by parents or caretakers since abuse does not have to be deliberate infliction, but can also take the form of omission to act resulting in neglect of the childs needs. The main concern pertains to what our communities consider as child abuse, for example in many community cases in the professional consensus in the United States it was a concern as to what constitutes abuse or neglect of a child. When analyzed on the basis of community research it was found that all agreed to consider a child with fractured bones from repeated beatings as abused, while a child who is not given the minimum amount of food, clothing, or attention necessary for survival or a young child left unfed in a room as

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 3

Strategic Management and Leadership - Essay Example The company’s headquarters is in Memphis, Tennessee. The corporation has many major divisions working under it which are like FedEx Express, FedEx Freight, FedEx Services and FedEx Ground. Among all these the flagship segment for the company is its FedEx Express which is the global leader in shipment industry providing the best quality service tot eh customers over the years continuously. The company has its business operations spread across in totally 220 countries with 300,000 employees, 660 aircrafts and 90,000 vehicles ready to perform at their best to provide the best quality service to the customers across all the countries. The company has been rated in the top 100 companies across the world in Fortune magazine and also has been ranked among the top 10 companies that are been admired globally in 2009 (FedEx, 2014). The corporation has got the highest number of aircrafts for shipment purpose than other companies in the shipment industry present in the global world. In 20 12, in US the company had a market share of 49% and also had a dream to grow continuously and capturing 15-20% of the market share in the global market having its good presence in mostly all the countries. The company’s net operating income value is around $2 billion and the revenue of the company is approximately $42 billion, in this 80% of the income generated for the company is from its flagship service FedEx Express which has been on the top of shipment of goods among all the other competitors present in the market. Many big companies like Apple have trusted over FedEx for their shipment process and they have used the service of FedEx to ship their products and parts to different parts of the world. Looking at the financial report of the company over the last few years it can be seen that the company has grown in a huge way in the last few years and has increased its market share and revenue with a good percentage over the previous years.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Participation Exercise #8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Participation Exercise #8 - Assignment Example The system of costing assumes that all costs of the business need absorbing in the provision of a price to provide for total coverage of costs to have realistic profits. The system of accounting registers the costs on each sale and allows management to push forward the costs of unsold products to next period until when the products are sold (Kaplan Financial Limited). These mark the major differences between it and variable costing that only considers the cost of the products during the time when they are produced. These explain why the absorption costing system is supported by the GAAP while variable costing is applicable for internal purposes majorly. One of the major efficiencies of absorption costing is its ability to provide for inventory valuation purposes since all stocks that are sold are covered in the cost of sales while those unsold remain accounted for until their point of sale. Kaplan Financial Limited, Marginal and Absorption Costing, Costing. Kaplan Financial Knowledge Bank 2012. Viewed on May 07, 2015 from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

REFLECTION paper on Bilingualism, American Style (will fax chapter) Essay

REFLECTION paper on Bilingualism, American Style (will fax chapter) - Essay Example da who were already fluent in English; now immigration has steadily increased to include many diverse countries in which English may not be spoken at all. Data shows that in successive generation of non-English speaking immigrants, the tendency to embrace English as the primary language used has increased. Several factors are cited for this trend, including the fact that society has placed a stigma on the use of any language except for English; this is only combated when immigrant families maintain their heritage language at home and when specific cultural groups occupy their own neighborhoods (for example, Chinatowns). Where a few decades ago schools in the United States did not have any real need to include secondary English language classes or primary foreign language classes into their curriculum, now 1 in 5 students in America is either a foreign-language immigrant or the child of one. This means that the call for updated language classes is much more demanding, particularly when English remains the only official language used in the United States. In 1968 the Bilingual Education Act focused on Native American groups and other minority language groups like the Chinese; these reforms were minimal, however, and the modern classroom finds them very lacking. Half of the country’s population growth in the 1990’s came from non-English speaking immigrants or their children, and while such groups traditionally have held onto their cultural and language differences while living in America, now we are seeing that more and more of them feel the need to take on English as the functional language of their country of business. While non-English speaking immigrants and Native groups that reside in rural areas of the United States tend to hold onto their own languages more stubbornly that their counterparts in urban areas and cities, all of them have increasingly made an effort to integrate in terms of language. According to demographic and linguistic data

Self-esteem and Teen Girl Flips Essay Example for Free

Self-esteem and Teen Girl Flips Essay Sixteen year old Fathima looks at herself in the mirror. She studies her body along with her face and thinks she is extremely ugly. She looks at the television and a popular celebrity appears on the screen with a beautiful face and body. She compares that person to how she looks. She says to herself, Why am I so ugly? Why am I so fat? I want to be beautiful! Good day to one and all. My topic for today â€Å"Celebrities and how they impact on teenagers lives. Living in a technological era, we have access to the tabloids more than ever before. There are television sets, magazine covers, Internet blogs, and movies screaming to be read and watched. When a life of parties, short-term relationships, drugs, and alcohol are leading celebrities like Britney, Paris, and Justin to spiral out of control, you would think that their lifestyle is not ideal. But, fans of these stars disagree. Now, in an age where we have more contact with celebrity gossip than we have ever had, we are faced with a question: what are the effects that superstars have on our youth? . Every day there are more and more stories and pictures on the Internet of the illicit activities of celebrities. Teens see these people partying, drinking alcohol or doing drugs, and they think they should too. This sends the message to teens that in order to have fun or be cool, you have to use these substances. Teens may begin to think that it is no big deal, and this can cause serious problems leading to drug and alcohol addictions, risk-taking behaviors, and even death. The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol is not the only dangerous celebrity influence for teens. Some of the most common problems that occur are issues with self-esteem for teens, especially teen girls. When a teen girl flips through her favourite fashion magazine, she is inundated with pictures and articles revolving around the erroneous belief that celebrities are perfect. The air-brushed pictures, workout and diet tips, and pin-thin models can cause body images issues for teens. In trying to make themselves look like the pictures that they see, teens can cause real damage to their bodies. Working out too much or not eating enough can lead to an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Many teens are like Fathima are strongly affected by celebrities. Popular celebrities are always shown on the covers of magazines and on television for teens to view. They look glamorous and beautiful, causing teens to want to be like them. Many teenagers look up to these role models but most of these popular beauties affect teens negatively. They go through extreme measures to become thin and are afraid of gaining weight. Teens also think that by becoming thin they will look beautiful and become popular. Many teens have low self esteem and become quickly swayed by the celebrities looks. So many times they forget that they are beautiful the way they are. They want to look perfect. Either their nose is too big or theyre not skinny enough. These small imperfections cause teens to look at the celebrities and envy them. They strive to lose that extra kilos, but end up losing more than enough. If something cannot be done to make that tiny imperfection better, it leads to dangers, such as suicide. Teens should appreciate the way they look already and be grateful. Many children who face hardship and live with poverty arent even able to look ‘cool if they wanted to. While it is almost impossible to completely remove any negative celebrity influence from your life, you can lessen the effects of celebrities and the media by seeking out positive role models in real life who you can aspire to be like. Try to find people who exhibit qualities you would like to have, such as honesty, optimism and perseverance. It can also be helpful to try to take the focus off of your appearance as much as possible. Remember, that you are not defined by what you look like. What really makes up a person is how you act and treat other people. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Transient Over Voltages Analysis In Power System Engineering Essay

Transient Over Voltages Analysis In Power System Engineering Essay Transient over-voltage is one of main causes for unscheduled interruption in power transmission and distribution systems including a smart grid. A surge over-voltage due to lightning and switching operation results in damages in an electrical power system and often leads to power outages. Predictive calculations of over-voltages generated by the lightning and the switching operation in the transmission and distribution systems are most essential for an economical insulation design and a reliable operation of the transmission and distribution systems. The transient over-voltage can be high frequency, medium frequency or low frequency. The transient over-voltage is dangerous to both lines as well as the connected equipment and may cause damage to the equipment. This project analyzes the transient at the load after switching. This project will discuss about analyzing a transient over-voltages which is the cause and the effect of the transient over-voltages. The method to solve this tran sient over-voltages also been discussed in this project. The PSCAD simulation is used for the transient analysis in this project to design the power system circuits. Problem Statement Voltage transient in Electric Power System appear several disturbances, sometimes very dangerous for the electrical equipment life, for the environment and for the human life. Switching transient phenomena produce in Power Systems over-voltages, over-currents and electrical fields, which havent to neglect. Thus was modeling and simulated the switching transient phenomena, consequently the electric fields and the possible negative influence about electrical equipment, environment and human life. Voltage transient in power system are cause by switching operation, lightning and faults in the system. The over-voltages can be dangerous to both the lines as well as the connected equipment and may cause damage to the equipment. Purpose of this project is to analyze the transient over-voltages at the load and to identify the method to reduce the effect of transient over-voltages. 1.2 Project Objective The objective of this project is as follows: Identify the effect and the cause of transient over-voltages and also the method to solving transient over-voltages. Simulate the transient over-voltages at the load after switching and design the power system circuits by using PSCAD simulation. Analyze the result after switching and after use pre-insertion resistor. 1.3 Project Scope In order to achieve the objective of this project, there are several scopes had been outlined as follows: Analysis on the distribution system. Generating the transient over-voltages waveform by using PSCAD simulation. The analysis is just focusing into transient over-voltages that occur because of the switching capacitor. Chapter 2 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction Voltage transients in power systems are caused by switching actions, lightning and faults in the system. Different phenomena create different types of transients. Oscillatory transients are caused mainly by switching phenomena in the network. The most common switching action is capacitor bank switching. The most severe transients are caused by capacitor energizing while capacitor de-energizing only causes a minor transient. Oscillatory transients are characterized by duration, magnitude and spectral content. There are subclasses of oscillatory transients depending on the dominant frequency. In this project it will more focus on switching devices. 2.2 Power System Electric power system is a very important part of the infrastructure of modern society. The power system today is very complex interconnected network. Electric power system is the system that can transform and change the form of the energy into electrical energy and transmit it to consumer. Technology today still cannot store the electricity that has been produced. The electrical energy only produce when needed or it will use after it is produced. As the effect, the management on the electricity becomes hard and difficult. The power system may be subdivided into the four major subsystems which are Generation subsystem, Transmission subsystem, Distribution subsystem and utilize subsystem. Figure 2.1 shows the power system that divided into generation, transmission and distribution. Figure 2.1: The Electric Power System 2.2.1 Generation Subsystem There are two major components in the generation system which is generators and transformers. For generators, an essential component of power systems is the three phase alternating current, ac, generator known as synchronous generator or alternator [1]. The source of the mechanical power, commonly known as the prime mover, may be hydraulic turbines, steam turbines whose energy comes from the burning of coal, gas and nuclear fuel, gas turbines, or occasionally internal combustion engines burning oil [1]. Some alternate sources used are solar power, geothermal power, wind power, tidal power and biomass. The power transformer transfer power with very high efficiency from one level of voltage to another level [1]. The transformer is been used to step up or step down the voltage. Insulation requirements and other practical design problems limit the generated voltage to low value, usually 30 kV. The step up is used for transmission of power. At the receiving end of the transmission lines, step down transformers are used to reduce the voltage to suitable values for distribution or utilization. The electricity in an electric power system may undergo four or five transformations between generator and consumers [1]. 2.2.2 Transmission Subsystem An overhead transmission network transfer electric power from generating units to the distribution system which ultimately supplies the load. It also interconnects neighboring utilities which allow the economic dispatch of power within regions during normal conditions, and the transfer of power between regions during emergencies. The network that interconnected between the utilities and load is called system grid [2]. The transmission line can be categorized into two categories which are high voltage transmission line and sub transmission line system. The difference between these two systems is in the voltage where for the high voltage, the level for transmission line voltage can reach 500kV and for sub transmission are in between 69kV to 138kV. All the transmission will be terminated at the substation [1]. 2.2.3 Distribution Subsystem The distribution system connects the distribution substations to the consumers service-entrance equipment. The voltage for this type of system has been reduced by using step down transformer from 66 kV to 22 kV and below. The secondary distribution network reduces the voltages for utilization by commercial and residential consumers. Lines and cables not exceeding a few hundred feet in length then deliver power to the individual consumers. The secondary distribution serves most of the customers at levels of 240 V for single phase and 415 V for three phases. Distribution systems are both overhead and underground. The growth of underground distribution has been extremely rapid and as much as 70 percent of new residential construction is via underground systems [1]. 2.2.4 Utilization Subsystem The utilities system or power system loads are divided into three main categories which are industrial, commercial and residential. Industrial loads are composite loads and induction motors form a high proportion of these loads [1]. These composite loads are functions of voltage and frequency and form a major part of the system load [1]. On the other hand, commercial and residential loads consist largely of lighting, heating, air conditioning and cooking [1]. These loads are independent of frequency and consume negligibly small reactive power [1]. The load varies throughout the day and power must be available to consumers on demand. The daily-load curve of a utility is a composite of demand made by various classes of users. The greatest value of load during 24 hour period is called the peak or maximum demand [1]. 2.3 Transient Over-voltages Transient is a sudden increase in current or voltage in a circuit that can damage sensitive components and instruments. Transient overvoltages are a voltage peak with a maximum duration of less than one millisecond. It can be high, medium, or low frequency. Transient overvoltages on power system are due to various causes and can be classified into two main categories, external and internal overvoltages [3]. Natural overvoltages on low voltage networks are caused by direct lightning strikes. Lightning is an external overvoltage. The high level of energy contained in a direct lightning strike on a lightning conductor or an overhead low voltage line leads to considerable damage of the installation. The overvoltages can be over 20 times the nominal voltage. Operating or switching overvoltages linked to a networks equipment create overvoltages of a lower level 3 to 5 times the nominal voltage but occur much more frequently, thus causing premature ageing of the equipment. Switching overvol tages is an internal overvoltage. Transient overvoltages are generally oscillatory and take the form of a damped sinusoid. The frequency of these overvoltages may vary from a few hundred Hz to a few kHz and it is governed by the inherent capacitances and inductances of the circuit. 2.2 Switching Capacitor Equipment containing electronic switching components is also likely to generate electrical disturbances comparable to over-voltages. The consequences of which on sensitive equipment, albeit not visible, are no less detrimental: premature ageing and unpredictable or fleeting breakdowns. Operating over-voltages are produced when reactive or capacitive equipment is switched on and off. Furthermore, interrupting factory production, lighting or transformers can generate over-voltages which will themselves cause greater damage to nearby electrical equipment. In general, these over-voltages are caused by transient phenomena which appear when the state of the network is changed by switching operation or fault condition. Example of these over-voltages is switching on and off equipment, such as switching of high voltage reactors and switching of a transformer at no load. The time duration of the switching over-voltages is longer than lightning. This overvoltage is most disastrous to the power system equipments because it happen many time than lightning. Closing, opening, disconnection and re-striking in a power system circuit result in over-voltages six times than the normal voltage. Shunt capacitors banks are common devices used in power system for reactive power compensation, voltage regulation and power factor correction. These capacitors are implemented in the system in order to control system voltage, increase power transfer capability, reduce equipment loading, and reduce energy costs by improving power factor of the system. However, energizing these shunt capacitors produces a transient oscillation in the power systems. Due to the fact that the operation of switching shunt capacitors happens frequently, shunt capacitor switching is regarded as the main source of generating transient voltages on many utility systems. These transients can cause damages on both utility systems and customer systems, depending on the system parameters such as switched shunt capacitor size, transformer size, and the type of customer loads connected to the system. Transient frequencies due to utility distribution capacitor switching usually fall in the range 300 Hz to 1000 Hz. Transient over-voltages which result are usually not of concern to the utility, since peak magnitudes are just below the level in which utility surge protection, such as arresters, begins to operate. However, because of the relatively low frequency, these transients will pass through step-down transformers to customer loads. Secondary over-voltages can c ause voltage magnification or nuisance tripping of adjustable-speed drives. Figure 2.2 show the example of single line diagram of the power system using shunt capacitor. Figure 2.3 show the transient voltage at the switched shunt capacitor. This is the example of the transient in the voltage waveform. Figure 2.4 show the transient voltage at the low voltage capacitor that has been magnetized. Figure 2.2: Example of Single Line Diagram of the Power System Using Shunt Capacitor Figure 2.3: Transient Voltages at the Switched Shunt Capacitor Figure 2.4: Magnified Transient Voltage at the Low Voltage Capacitor 2.3 Pre-Insertion Resistor There are several techniques to mitigation the switching transient in the distribution circuit and one of the techniques that use in this project is pre-insertion resistor. A pre-insertion resistor provides a means for reducing the transient voltages associated with the energization of a shunt capacitor bank. The resistors were connected in series with the controlled capacitor bank to damp the transient inrush current. The resistor is bypassed shortly after the initial transient dissipates, thereby producing second transient event. An additional switch is use to bypass this resistor. The performance of pre-insertion resistor is evaluated using both the insertion and bypass transient magnitudes, as well as the capability to dissipate the energy associated with the event and repeat the event on a regular basis. The size for this resistor was calculated from equation 2.1 and 2.2. The optimum resistor value for controlling capacitor energizing transients depends primarily on the capacito r size and the source strength. The value of the resistor is approximately equal to the surge impedance, Zo, from equation 2.3. R = (2.1) Z = (2.2) Roptimum ≈ Z (2.3) Chapter 3 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes about the step that needed in this project. Figure 3.1 show the block diagram of analysis and figure 3.2 show the flowchart of the process analysis. This block diagram shows the step from the first step of the project which is design the circuit to the final step which is result and analysis. Design Circuit Placing Input and Output Devices Running Simulation Result and Analysis Figure 3.1: The Block Diagram of Analysis In order to get the result from the Power System Computer Aided Design (PSCAD), the user should follow the step as follow in the Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2: Flowchart of Process Analysis 3.2 Design Circuit This is the process to build up the diagram of the circuit for the analysis. The user need to choose and selecting component from master library and put it in the main page where the user will construct the circuit. There are many components with a different type of setting. The user only need to double click on the component to edit or changes the setting and parameter. Project development consists of two parts electronic and software designs. Figure 3.2 show the three phase source that use in this project. This source impedance is type R because resistor connected series with the source. The source in this project is being controlled through fixed parameter. Figure 3.2: Three Phase Source Figure 3.3 show the three phase transformer that use in this project. The type of the transformer is a three phase and two winding transformer. The transformer is connected in star delta connection. Other characteristic for the transformer in this project is the transformer use to step up the voltage. Figure 3.3: Three Phase Transformer 3.3 Placing Input and Output Devices This process is used to get the measurement, signal and waveform of the graph in selecting part or component. The output device must be placed at the point of measurement before plotting can be done on the drawing space. Without this device, the PSCAD cannot create the plotting and the result cannot be obtained. After the circuit had already been executed and there is no error, the output from the circuit or diagram will be obtained. Figure 3.4 shows some of the output and input devices that used in this project. Figure 3.4: The input and output devices 3.4 Running Simulation After complete all the circuit design and placing input and output device, the user need to run the circuit to get the result. To run the simulation the user only need to click on the run button in the main toolbar. Figure 3.5 show the location of run button at the main toolbar. The run toolbar have a green color. When this button is pressed, PSCAD will go through several stages of processing the circuit before starting the EMTDC simulation. Figure 3.5: The run button at main toolbar During the run time, the work will be compiling by the PSCAD. The result or output only will produce if there is no error in the setting of the circuit in the drawing or all connection is connected. If there is an error, the warning will appear at output space. Once the program is no error and running, the graph and also the measurement will be produce depending on the selected node. The user also able to pause and zoomed the graph. 3.5 Graph Calculation The graph give the certain value to calculated the overshoot, resonant frequency and also the curve can be identified as an overdamped, underdamped or critical damped. Equation 3.1 is use to calculate the overshoot. Equation 3.2 is uses to calculate the resonant frequency, ωo. % OS = -100 (3.1) ωo = (3.2) The curve is overdamped if ÃŽ ± is bigger than ωo, underdamped if ÃŽ ± is smaller than ωo and critically damped if ÃŽ ± is equal to ωo. Equation 3.3 to 3.8 shows the step to get a value of ÃŽ ±. Figure 3.6 shows the example of the series RLC circuit. Figure 3.6: The Series RLC Circuit Equation 3.3 is equation for series RLC circuit. Equation 3.4 and 3.5 is a root for quadratic equation for 3.3. ( 3.3) (3.4) (3.5) The root for equation 3.4 and 3.5 can be express to equation 3.6 and 3.7. (3.6) (3.7) From equation 3.4 and 3.6, the value for damping factor, ÃŽ ±, calculated as equation 3.8. (3.8) Chapter 4 4.0 Expected Result The transient over-voltages that occur at the load during capacitor switching will be discuss base on result at all buses in the circuit that will be design before doing the simulations. The discussion is about the voltage waveform when transient over-voltages occur and voltage waveform when the simulations using pre-insertion resistors to reduce transient over-voltages. The results of waveform at all buses that will be obtain from PSCAD simulation will be discuss in term of peak voltage, overshoot and weather that waveform is overdamped, underdamped or critically damped. Figure 4.1 show the voltage waveform that will get during capacitor switching at all buses. Figure 4.2 show the voltage waveform that will get at all buses after simulate it using pre-insertion resistor. The transient will be reduce after doing the simulation using pre-insertion resistor. Figure 4.1: Transient Over-voltage Waveform at Buses. Figure 4.2: Voltage Waveform at Buses after Pre-Insertion Resistor. Chapter 5 5.0 Conclusion In PSM 1 all the literature review regarding this project are been studied so at the end of PSM 1 it can be summarized that the objectives of the project will be fulfilled in the next PSM 2, which is to design the circuit, running the PSCAD simulations and analyze the result that obtain from the PSCAD simulations in term of peak voltage, overshoot and weather that waveform is overdamped, underdamped or critically damped. This progress will need more commitment and efforts. In conjunction to achieve that, scope and objectives of this project will be the guideline.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pride, Gender, and Inaction in Antigone

Pride, Gender, and Inaction in Antigone Pride, Gender, and Inaction in Antigone The central theme of Sophocles play â€Å"Antigone† is the dilemma that one faces, in adhering to ones own conclusion or to abide by the existing laws of the land. The play highlights the fact that men have been bestowed with independent thinking, and have been blessed with the capacity to analyze situations; Man must therefore consult his mental faculties and think rationally before making a judgment. Therefore, the four major themes of the play Antigone are Pride, Gender, Individual versus State; Conscience versus Law; Divine Law versus Human Law, and Inaction. There is no question that pride, in Antigone, is a trait loathed by the gods, one that is punishable without mercy. Sophocles describes the type of pride that allows men to create laws that substitute for divine principles. When Creon creates a law because he believes it is divine will, it is the ultimate display of punishable pride, for no man can ever form a law that is equivalent to or greater than divine right. Consequently, when Tiresias comes with the news that Creon will be punished, Creon realizes that he has made an awful mistake, and yet still refuses to admit it. Creon bends to the prophets message only because he wants to save his life, not because he knows hes gone too far. As a result, Creon must suffer the loss of his family. Individual versus State, Conscience versus Law, and Divine Law versus Human Law are three major conflicts in Antigone that are closely intertwined. Antigone and her principles pair with the first entity in each conflict, while Creon and his standards line up with the second. Antigone is a risk to the status quo; she invokes divine law as justification for her actions, but is implicit in her position on faith. She sacrifices her life out of devotion to principles higher than human law. Creons position is an understandable one, for example, in the stir of war, and with his reign so new, Creon has to set an example by showing his citizens that his power is supreme. On the other hand, Creons need to triumph over Antigone seems to be tremendously personal. The order of the state is not only at stake after Creons mistake, his sense of self as king is also in peril after his detrimental mistake. Antigones sex has profound effects on the significance of her actions. Creon himself says that the need to conquer her is vital because she is a woman. By refusing to be submissive, Antigone defies one of the basic rules of her society. Ismene is Antigones foil because she is intimidated by the rule of men, she believes that women should be subservient to men. Ismene says that men are stronger, and for that reason must be obeyed. In due course, we see that she has naively bought into the problematic concepts that Creon adopted. When Creon realizes he may be incorrect, he changes his argument, he claims that if he was wrong, he couldnt confess that he was beat by a woman, for that would upset divine law more than reneging on his principles would. It is this original fabrication that Sophocles play seeks to correct, primarily through the retribution the Gods inflict on Creon as a result of his insensitive and sexist thinking. When faced with prejudice, Antigone and Ismene react quite differently. Ismene is not so much frightened of injustice as she is terrified of her own downfall, she cannot bear to incur the fury of men for fear of being damned to the same fate as the rest of her family. After witnessing her father and brothers death, she thinks that the best course of action is to obey. In the case of Ismene, it seems inaction is unified with fear, she then willingly offers to die next to Antigone, at which point we recognize that she is not so much inactive as she is uncertain of her position as a woman. Accordingly, while Ismene is characterized primarily by doubt, Antigone is one who plunges ahead purely on self-confidence and her firm convictions about right and wrong. In the end, its because of these fundamental differences in philosophy that they cannot die as one. In the end, it is apparent that Antigone has received the best reward. Upon her death, she is reunited with her loved ones, her mother, her father, her brothers and even her affianced, Haemon. The fact that Haemon takes his life after Antigones death solidifies the idea that the gods truly are rewarding Antigone. While her family members are already present in the afterlife, her death robbed her of her adored spouse to be and â€Å"Denied [her] part in the wedding songs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  but this rejection is undone upon the death of Haemon. Creon and Ismene, with their narcissistic intentions, are both left alone and are eventually punished for their self-serving actions. While both Creon and Ismene experience the loss of family and must live out their lives in isolation, Creons punishment is fueled by the fact that his community loses admiration for him and soon after, his empire is taken over by a second war, leaving his life in complete ruin. Works Cited Sophocles. â€Å"Antigone.† Literature and the Writing Process. Ed. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X Day, Robert Funk. 8th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice, 2007. 738-773.

Monday, August 19, 2019

John Steinbeck :: Essays Papers

John Steinbeck John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902 in Salinas California, shortly after the end of the Civil War. His mother was a schoolteacher in the public school system in Salinas. Steinbeck grew up in the fertile California where he found the materials for most of his novels, and short stories. Steinbeck demonstrated a great imagination, which was kindled by writing at a very early age partly due to his mother, the schoolteacher, whom read to him at a very early at the many great works of literature. During his teen years, Steinbeck played various sports in high school, worked numerous part time, dead end jobs, and wondered around the fertile valley. The lessons, and observations he made while wandering provided much of the material for his later works. Steinbeck entered Stanford University in 1920, and even though he attended the school until 1925, he never graduated. Lacking the desire to acquire a formal degree from the Stanford University, Steinbeck wandered to New York to pursue a writing career. While working on his writing, and while receiving an endless supply of rejection slips, Steinbeck worked odd jobs. The New York American newspaper was where Steinbeck held a job, writing various articles, for some time before the newspaper went bankrupt. The failure of the newspaper and endless supply of rejection letter forced Steinbeck to return to California, broken but still hopeful. Steinbeck’s first novel, Cup of Gold, was published in 1929, two months before the horrific stock market crash, causing the novel to nearly unnoticed with barely fifteen hundred copies selling. 1930 was a very important year for Steinbeck in two areas. First he married Carol Henning and the newlyweds settled in Pacific Grove, which he often wrote of. There, Steinbeck met Ed Ricketts whose friendship strongly influenced Steinbeck’s works. During the Great Depression of the nineteen thirties Steinbeck knew many people who were considered to be the cross section of society, and shared many of the problems of the times with them. His father like many men, helped is family through the depression with a small house and twenty-five dollars a week. Throughout the depression era Steinbeck wrote of people struggling to make ends meet around the California, Mexico region. One of Steinbeck works, Tortilla Flat, marked a turning point in Steinbeck’s literary career.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

War from 18th Century Naval Capabilities to the War of 1812 :: essays research papers

WAR FROM 18TH CENTURY NAVAL CAPABILITIES TO THE WAR OF 1812   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The English Navy has to obviously be strong to protect an island, and had already been tested against sea powers of Spain and the Netherlands. France, which was not susceptible to an attack from the water, began to build it’s naval fleet and became a threat to the English merchant vessels. England began to realize the importance of having a strategy through an allied coalition in which their greatest contribution to the alliance would be though sea power and the four elements of the merchant marines, a struggling navy, strategic materials, and good offshore bases.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The eager French divided naval forces into two fleets: Mediterranean and Atlantic. In an effort to stop the French from maintaining trade routes, the English enacted the â€Å"Rule of 1756† which prohibited anyone from taking over the French trade routes in time of war, but would continue to subsidize the German raiders. The French tactic at sea was to try and get ahead of the superior English vessels and fire while moving forward to increase the range of each round; once the ship was disabled, the French would then flee or turn and destroy. The English preferred a straightforward approach, which sometimes meant to move within pistol range in order to increase the accuracy of their weapons. Both sides agreed that they needed to improve accuracy as well as the rate of fire. It was British tenacity as well as strong naval traditions that allowed the island country to survive and be the strongest empire that the western world had ever known.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In America the two groups of populations from England and France were not religiously yoked together. The French stood strong with Catholicism and the English were not going to be bound by the laws of the Catholic Church any longer. As far as fighting skills, the French had a leg up when it came to wilderness warfare. The French worked closely with the Indian population and learned a great deal about how to live off of the land while being employed by it as well, for example as a trapper. The English on the other hand took to the fields of the new world to become farmers, and many of them had to be taught how to shoot a weapon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once the idea of revolution the streets, which had spawned from texts like Common Sense, the individual new states were forced to fight independently against England.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Tourist Case Study – Monaco

Monaco is a small and ancient principality located on the southern coast of France, near the Italian border by the Mediterranean Sea. This principality has been in the hands of the ruling Grimaldi family since the thirteenth century and the Prince Rainier is the current ruler. Although it only covers one square mile (two squared kilometers), it has a current population of 34,000, where only 16% are Monegasque (native population), 16% are Italian, and 47% are French. It is known for having more police per square meter than any other country in the world and for not having to pay any income tax. It is considered by many to be Europe's most fascinating country. Today, holidaymakers are attracted to the many physical and human factors, which can be found in Monaco. Certain attractive physical features may be found. Firstly, holidaymakers seem mostly attracted to Monaco's beautiful Mediterranean climate, where the summers are warm and the winters are mild with an average of 300 sunny days a year. There are many attractive beaches, such as â€Å"Larvotto Beach† and the â€Å"Monte-Carlo Beach Club†, where the water is at a high temperatures through May till August, and where a chick crown is attracted to, as well as movie stars. Monaco also contains a huge amount of human factors which attract tourists. For any people who are interested in Museums, Monaco has a wide selection. It is extremely famous for its â€Å"Oceanographic Museum†. This being one of the best aquariums in Europe (known to have the rarest fish in the seven seas), is one the main attractions in the principality, containing a total of 90 seawater tanks which hold 4,000 fish of which there are 350 different species. Giant skeletons of oceanic mammals are also on show, as well as the use of a meteorological station and a seismological observatory. A public terrace provides a beautiful panoramic view of the Italian Riviera. For tourists looking more towards ‘collections', the â€Å"National Museum† contains doll and automata collections dating from the 17th century, as well as the â€Å"Museum of Stamps and Coins†. Other museums such as the â€Å"exhibition the prince's private collection of classic cars†, the â€Å"naval Museum†, the â€Å"wax museum of the princes of Monaco† and the â€Å"museum of Prehistoric Anthropology† may be of high curiosity for anyone interested in those particular areas. If you visit Monaco for more historic reasons, you will be sure to visit the â€Å"museum of Napoleon's souvenirs†, where Napoleon's personal knickknack such as socks, handkerchiefs, medals, uniforms and swords may be found. One of the oldest parts of Monaco is known as â€Å"Monaco-Ville†, or â€Å"the old town†. If tourists are looking to understand the history of the principality better, then that is the place to go. It is found on top of a large piece of rock and is called â€Å"the rock†. It measures a large 60 meters in height (or 200 feet). There are three main attractions which seem to dominate tourism: The royal palace, the casino, and the Grand Prix. The Palace, which sits on the â€Å"rock†, has been owned by the Grimaldi Family since the 13th Century. It has 15 rooms and the throne room can be visited. There is the changing of the guards. The â€Å"Casino†, was built by Charles Garnier, one of France's best architects of this ire. It stands on a panoramic terrace, offering one of the grandest views along the Riviera. It is a place where every tourist insists on gambling in, not because the actual Casino is any different to any other one, but because it is situated in â€Å"Monaco†. Finally, Monaco's largest success which takes place once a year in the last week of May: the Grand-Prix. It is where people from all over the world come to watch famous racecar drivers race to win. This is a huge sportive event for thousands of people and just the thought of an autograph would make anyone plan to see this. Many other sportive events take place in Monaco, which also attract locals and holidaymakers. Monaco has its very own Stadium, the â€Å"Stade Louis II†, where many huge and famous football matches are played. It is a giant sports complex where a high level of international competition takes place, encouraging tourists from all over the place to support the games. As well as this, it is possible for holidaymakers to book to watch the â€Å"Tennis Masters† and â€Å"Open tennis championship† tournaments, which are huge sporting events for the History of Tennis where some the World's best players come. Many beautiful gardens are very appealing to tourists. These include the â€Å"Princess Grace Rose Garden†, where 4,000 rose trees stand being more than 150 different varieties. On the other hand, the â€Å"Exotic Garden† is composed of 7000 varieties of succulent and remarkable specimen of cacti. Tourists are known to have had admired them for their amazing shaped and colours (as they come from Africa and Latin America). The â€Å"World Music Awards† are held in Monaco, attracting anyone with music interests or anyone who wants to try and see famous pop stars. The â€Å"Yacht show† is a huge event attracting all those tourists interested in boats. Last but not least, holidaymakers usually plan their holidays so as to leave enough time for â€Å"shopping†. There are shops such as: â€Å"Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Lanvin, Prada, Cartier, Bulgari and Fred†. It is hard to find other towns where all these sorts of shops are so close together. Tourists can take part in various activities. They can ride in the â€Å"Azur Express tourist train†, which is a guided tour around Monaco or take the â€Å"Aquavision† which is a boat trip with Underwater vision. There are also â€Å"runs† which take place from time to time where people run around Monaco. And of course, there are always parties that over 18s can take part in. Tourists bring both benefits and problems to Monaco. The prices in Monaco are extremely high and as it is a huge tourist area, when tourist come to Monaco, they spend a lot of money on the shops and restaurants, tourist sites, the casino and hotels. This gives Monaco a very high economy which enables the residents to live tax-free and to keep the people employed. People who are working there are also getting a lot of money to earn a living, they are well paid. Without the tourists coming to Monaco, the people living there would not be living in the same conditions; they would have to pay tax and to do this work extra time. The money is also going towards improving the environment and it is important for Monaco to keep up its high standards. The tourists in Monaco also cause conflicts between them and the residents. For example at the Grand-Prix, the streets where it is happening will be crowded with people, the roads will be blocked making it inaccessible for public transport for the retired. There will be huge amounts of noise, not only from the screaming crowds, but the motor-cars, where the noise can be heard almost all over the principality. This also disturbs certain schools who happen to have major exams during that week. During major football matches, there is a huge amount of traffic in Fontvielle (a neat industrial suburb) and therefore the residents nearby are not happy, also because the loudspeakers can be heard. It is no longer safe to go out during a football match as tourist take to getting drunk and starting fights with anyone who crosses their way. To manage the risk of getting hurt in a fight, police have now been sent all around Fontvielle to avoid the occurrence of fights and to arrest anyone who opposes to that rule. Now, only cars with a driving plate indicating it is from either France or Monaco is aloud to drive past the royal palace. If this rule had not been put to use, tourists would have caused traffic jams by stopping in the middle of the road in front of the Palace to take pictures. This way, they can take a nice long walk and admire the scenery properly; in more depth. Monaco is very keen on its environment and it is often the case that tourists step on the grass, though it is not allowed. To solve this, more and more signs have been put up to try and stop the destruction or the flattening of grass. In conclusion, it is clear that Monaco is a very tourist industry thanks to its good facilities and physical and human factors. Although conflicts and problems are caused, tourists also bring benefits to Monaco; they increase Monaco's economy and it is due to this, that Monaco is the principality that it is.

Citizenship and Governance

Every individual contributes to the making and unmaking of governments and society. While certain individuals don't necessarily engage in activities which contribute to the interests of the society they live in and governments which preside over it, most don't exactly contribute to the detriment of the system and institutions which they belong to either.In response to Aristotle's idea of what a citizen is and should constitute, in which he pronounces that one is only to be identified as such if he or she has the capacity and time for governance; I believe it overlooks other relevant duties and responsibilities an individual has and will continually have, as well as the multi-dimensional aspects of humanity which need not solely be confined to the instance of keeping to strictures and to public governance.I believe that as a working wife and mother, I reserve the right to be afforded the term â€Å"citizen;† as do every parent who has to juggle domestic and familial duties with career and paid work. The bulk of necessary responsibilities and obligations which fall on people such as myself discounts me from finding the time or capacity to engage in matters concerning national governance, but that shouldn't deprive me of being acknowledged as a citizen of this country.The necessary duties and obligations I may have to society and to government is necessarily fulfilled in looking after my children, and ensuring that they grow up to be responsible citizens and individuals like myself; and by participating in the work force or labor system, I don't believe my effort falls short of what is to be generally expected of any and every individual in this country.Ultimately, there's more than one thing to consider when it comes to regarding and acknowledging an individual's apparent â€Å"citizenship† and significance to his or her country; and it is not, and should not be confined solely to one's involvement in public governance.